Tuesday, June 07, 2011

June already?

Ok, so... you're probably all wondering what happened to the "month of eating clean." Well, it actually continued--I just got too busy to post with weekends away and trying to get caught up on everything once I was back... not to mention... well, there are a million reasons/excuses.

Suffice it to say I was successful in changing my general eating habits in some ways including:
  • Started drinking more water -- 10 or more cups/day
  • Stopped having that glass of wine with dinner during the week
  • Made a conscious effort to have healthier snacks on hand such as low-fat cottage cheese and trail mix
  • Made a conscious effort to remember to have a multi-vitamin everyday--I also have an extra "D" vitamin daily...
  • I also instituted "meatless Mondays" in our house (there's just 2 of us and I do the majority of the cooking so that was easy)
And, although my body-fat ratio stayed where it was, I did notice more energy and better sleep patterns. Dramatic change? Maybe not, but sometimes you need to make small changes that you can incorporate into your daily life to make a significant change for the long run.

I'll be elaborating on that in coming posts ;-) Until then, Happy June!

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